I2C Routine for Philips ADC/DAC PCF8591

Alan Cheasley

New Member
Can anybody help ?
I wish to use the Philips PCF8591 ADC/DAC with the Picaxe-18X. I am having alot of problems trying to implement the i2c routine to communicate with the Chip.
I am a reasonably competent in writing in the Basic





New Member
As far as writing to it is concerned, it's pretty straight forward. You just replace the memory address byte with he control byte and go from there. It's laid out rather well in the datasheet for the PCF8591.

As far as reading goes, unless you have an 18X with firmware 8.6 and higher and the proper version of the editor (dont remember which one) your going to have to bit bang it. Older chips require an address byte for reading, newer chips dont.

Beyond that, what exactly are the problems your having?

--Andy P