i2c instructions and BAS800


New Member

I bought the picprogrammer BAS800, and want to transfer my picaxe basic program to assembler language, I am using a picaxe 28x1, as I try to do this, I notice that there is no option for the "X" series, and the compilation stops at any I2c instruction, in fact also by any do .. loop comand also.

the program runs flawlessly on my picaxe.

am I doing something wrong ? or some commandas are jnot supported ?

any help will be deeply appreciated


alexander rubli rubli@pobox.com


Ex-Staff (retired)
am I doing something wrong ? or some commandas are jnot supported ?
There are many commands which the Basic to Assembler converter does not support, and many other limitations as well; word variables and multiplication is not supported for example. Unfortunately there is no complete or accurate documentation on what is or is not supported.

The Basic to Assembler converter is marketed as an educational tool, not as a commercial compiler, and it is not, as you are finding, a simple case of writing your code in Basic, clicking convert, and having it run many times faster on a native PICmicro. If you need to handle I2C and other things not supported by the converter, you will either have to write your code using PICmicro Assembler language or find an alternative product which does allow what you want. Alternatives have been discussed in the past and a forum Search should find those discussions.


New Member
basic to assembler

I understand, maybe the company did not realized yet, that it's picaxe concept is so damn good, that it should enter the professional market. I would love to pay for a picaxe basic to assembler compiler. I might buy another product, i don't thing that other basic to assembler compilers will work with my program (that works with my picaxe), unless I do some tweaking and learn how to do it. (how long this takes... dunno)

The one who is typing this message is not an expert in programming, he is an electronic engineer, specialized in analog circuits, and entering to the world of microcontrollers has been very easy and smooth, and most important, fastly rewarding to give a hardware solution, by means that otherwise would have taken months of study and brain gymnnastics.
A friend of mine, who is an expert in programming, once saw the picaxe and thought that tis is for learning the basics of pic's. once I showed him my program and my hardware fixtrue, he was very surprised, becasue he would need many hours to implement , by example, the i2c protocol, which I have managed effortlessly, and knowing only how to use it
the bottom line is, that I might not be the only one, that would like to transfer my picaxe basic program to a PIC, and would happily pay for it, not only for the speed increase, I would like to sell my finished product by hundreds...

