i2c adress ?


Ex-Staff (retired)
Welcome to the PICAXE forum.

You probably need to use 0xA6 or $A6 as an address in the PICAXE HI2CSETUP command. If you can provide a link to the LCD datasheet it may be possible to give more detailed advice.


New Member
Got the LCD from E-BAY was an LCD from wire.hk. Using the 23008 chip. no data except for LCDI2C4Bit.h. From i2c_1602lcd.rar. Thanks


Senior Member
Have a look at this thread: Help with i2c LCD

More results

The i2c address can be changed but it may require difficult modification to the board depending on the board design.

The module consists of an i2c port expander connected to an LCD in 4-bit parallel mode which is why the code isn't simple. The Arduino library hides the complexity of using these, but only when programming in C.

Personally I'd use a larger PICAXE and the 8-bit parallel interface or, if that's not possible, the AXE133, both of which are easier to use than your i2c module.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Direct parallel interfacing to an LCD is fairly easy for a PICAXE chip. That just requires a couple of routines which can output command and data bytes and strobe the correct signal lines.

Parallel via I2C to a PCF8574 is a case of working out the LCD signal mapping and modifying the PICAXE routines to suit that and I2C transfer.

Parallel via I2C to an MCP23008 requires the same as for the PCF8574 plus initialisation of MCP23008 registers and corresponding adjustment of the PICAXE routines.

Handling the MCP23008 is therefore more complicated but should be possible, though I do not recall seeing any proven code on the forum. The untested code and datasheet links posted by Westaust55 should be a help. Understanding how a PICAXE direct parallel LCD interface works and how and why the code needs to be adjusted for the PC8754 would be the best place to start and prerequisite for doing the same for the MCP23008.