I currently post values to Thingspeak using a Picaxe 08M2 and ESP 0866 and would like


New Member
Sample Code which is similar code which I successfully use with Thingspeak

readtemp C.1, temp_now 'Read temperature from DS18B20, and store it in b1.
bintoascii temp_now,b11,b12,b13 'Convert current temperature from binary to ASCII.

serout C.4,baud,("AT",13,10) 'Send attention command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CWQAP",13,10) 'Send disconnect from Wi-Fi command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+RST",13,10) 'Send reset command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CWMODE_CUR=1",13,10) 'Send STA command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CWJAP_CUR=",34,"SSID",34,",",34,"password",34,13,10)
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CIPSTART=",34,"TCP",34,",",34,"https://maker.ifttt.com",34,",80",13,10)
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CIPSEND=72",13,10)
serout C.4,baud,("/trigger/temp_limit/with/key/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",13,10)
pause 5000


Ex-Staff (retired)
Welcome to the PICAXE forum.

You unfortunately seem to have lost the end of your code which actually passes the data over. If you put your code within [code]...[/code] tags it will keep its original indentation and formatting.


New Member
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Senior Member
I'm not sure what you want to achieve. I use Thingspeak a lot and the upload process is easy, you appear to be close to the final solution, what is the problem?