Hserout in 20X2

The hardware serout from the 20X2, with a breakpulse included, seemed to be handy for my 8M receiver. The 20X2 Hsetup is simple, and as an example, Hserout 1,("a") should send a breakpulse, immediately followed by the serial "a". This seems to be true when simulating, but my chip (firmware version C.0) does not comply. (PE vs is 5.2.10, and I know abt 5.2.11, but the http://www.rev-ed.co.uk/software/revision.txt does not mention anything abt this for 5.2.11). Of course the Hserout 1,("a") cmd can be followed by a Hserout 0,("a") cmd , but that does not quite make sense... Or?
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Ex-Staff (retired)
Testing with version C.1 there does seem to be an issue with sending break on the 20X2 which we will investigate. The workround seems to be to send the data byte twice, first with break set then again with it cleared; the data seems to only be sent once ...

HserOut 1, ( "a" )
HserOut 0, ( "a" )

Note that break will be quite short ( about one serial character time )