How to read and write data onto an SD card module?


New Member
I have seen someone on youtube use an SD card module like the cheap onse you can buy on ebay from china

But i cannot find anywhere how to hook it up or use it, does anyone know how to use one completely?

Jeremy Harris

Senior Member
The dead easy way to read and write data to an SD, or µSd card using a Picaxe is to use a OpenLog or SDLog module. This does all the filing system stuff needed to handle reading, writing, creating and deleting files and directories on the card in the correct format, so all the Picaxe has to do is send the right ASCII commands via a serial port. Very easy to do, and there are several projects detailed on here with examples of the code needed to communicate with these modules.

Worth bearing in mind that SD and µSD cards aren't arranged like other forms of storage, like EEPROM. They are intended to be used with DOS-like filing systems. I dare say you could try and use one as raw storage, but addressing the storage locations might be challenging, as they are really intended to be used with a filing system that uses an file allocation table in a fixed part of the storage area to tell the operating system where the physical data for any particular file is located.