How to disable unwanted sentences from GPS010?


Senior Member
I have a GPS010 breakout board on order and trying to prepare code based on the 'EXAMPLE1' documentation provided by Rev-Ed but am having trouble understanding this information.

For example, why is it necessary to drop the baud rate to 4800 in order to "allow subsequent 'serin' commands to operate quickly enough" as this will take longer than operating at the default rate of 9600?

I am trying to disable all GPS output messages but one (GPGGA to give lat, long and alt) but am confused by the example documentation that claims to disable everything but GPGLL, when the associated code seems to show this message is also disabled.

Are these documentation issues or am I being even more dense than usual?


Ex-Staff (retired)
For example, why is it necessary to drop the baud rate to 4800 in order to "allow subsequent 'serin' commands to operate quickly enough" as this will take longer than operating at the default rate of 9600?
It's the old problem of having a device sending faster than the PICAXE can be ready; the options are to increase the PICAXE operating speed or drop the device's baud rate; Example 1 takes the second approach.

I am trying to disable all GPS output messages but one (GPGGA to give lat, long and alt) but am confused by the example documentation that claims to disable everything but GPGLL, when the associated code seems to show this message is also disabled.
The actual code to disable GPGLL is there ( to document it in case you want to use it ) but is commented out in the example program.

So to have only GPGGA messages; comment out the GPGGA code to allow those, and uncomment the GPGLL code to disable those.


Senior Member
Thanks for the prompt and lucid help. Looks like it was a case of me being more dense than usual.