How do I edit a message once it is posted

I tried to create a message in the "sandbox" area, post it, then go back in and edit it. When I try to go back in to edit it, I press "Post New Topic", but I get a screen that says that only the Administrator or author can modify this post... I am the author!

What am I doing wrong?

Well, it does indeed seemed fixed! thanks!


Edited by - steve joblin on 15/02/2007 22:14:57


Senior Member
Have you entered your user name and password before pressing the post button?



Senior Member
Just tried to edit my last like I've done before and found the error message.... I presume the forum is broken at the moment!

Yes, I realize that I need to enter in my user name and password...

I have tried this for the last few days and it has never worked, so it must be broken for a while...

Forum Manager... Please confirm if this is the case... Thanks!


Edited by - Admin on 15/02/2007 14:31:59


I made an edit yesterday at 9pm, so can't have been faulty very long. Probably since the new forum.
Incidentally, why this one show 10 posts when there are 3 threads totalling 7 responses?


Technical Support
Staff member
7 replies + 3 original posts = 10

We'll look into the editing issue and fix within next 24 hours.

Edited by - Technical on 15/02/2007 14:34:43