help, please


New Member
Tried to burn my first program, (from the David Lincoln's Programming and customizing the picaxe microcontroller, I suppose is one right) page 94:
'LED output

high 4
pause 500
low 4
pause 500
goto loop

and I received

"Error: loop without Do"
Please let me know where I'm wrong (or the book?).

Now the Error is:
goto loop

Error: Syntax error in this line!
I'm lost, for sure.
Last edited:


Senior Member
The code was written before 'loop' became a reserved word. The code will work when you change the label 'loop' to something else.


David Lincoln did write a second edition of his book.

With that came newer programs. You may find some benefit in having a look at the code related to the new book which is available here:
Unfortunately it is one long listing of all the code provided in the second edition so you must cut and paste the section you may find useful.
The old/first edition does based upon past comments on this forum and elsewhere have a few errors in the code listings.