Help Help 20X2 SerOut trying to output ascii

Hi all my program is very simple but i dont think its working

#Picaxe 20X2
SetFreq M32
pause 1000
SerOut A.0, N38400_32,("#T1")
pause 5000
goto main

i am trying to output T1 in ascii is this the correct format

Regards Andy Q


Senior Member
If you want to output the string "T" and "1", then loose the "#". As in:

serout A.0, N38400_32, ("T1")
serout A.0, N38400_32, ("Hello World")

If T1 is a variable, then loose the quotation marks. But then you have to tell the program what T1 stands for, otherwise you'll have a syntax error.


symbol T1 = b0
T1 = 123
serout A.0, N38400_32, (#T1) 'Will output "1", "2" and "3" in ascii.