Hardware set-up of Range sensors?


Thank you

Can you tell what that coil looking thing at the datasheet is..?
It's a transformer.

To be honest, your best bet is to put this down to experience and put those transducers at the back of a drawer until you have sufficient experience to use them. Making your own Tx/Rx circuit will be very complex and your question indicates that you are not yet ready.

It's a bit like having bought a set of headphones but what you really wanted was an iPod. All you have is the transducer (speaker) which BTW can be also be used as the receiver (microphone) but both send and receive need considerable circuitry to be of any use.

Your best bet is to do as suggested by Eclectic and get a ready made module.
The SRF005 is at the cheap end.
The SRF008 is slightly better unit and also supports I2C.
Have a look at the Devantec site for full range of devices.


I totally agree. Go get a ready-made module.
Not only will you have to make drive/receiver circuits but also process the signal to get an echo timing.

It would seem that this may be difficult for you at this stage.
Obv not impossible and if you are determined then there a number of drive/receive circuits kicking around.

But, if you want something working in a few days then get a ready-made module as it will save agony and time.


The moral here is to obtain datasheets and read them before you commit to a purchase.

Reading first can save a lot of heartache and additional costs later.