GLCD - Svejklabs


Senior Member
I received an email this morning with a question regarding the picaxe graphic LCD from my website. The reply could not be delivered as email address is possibly wrong. I'll take my chances here with the hope the recipient is a forumite.


Hello please I need help with writing to eeprom.
I set correct com port but GLCDeeManager still saying "cant find hardware check supply and serial port".
Programing from PICAXE programing editor working so I dont know where I doing mistake.
May be eeprom - 24LC256-I/P ?
I dont know what next so please help.
Thanks a lot

From:petr sys


Hi Petr,

The way the eeprom update is managed is as follows:

The eeManager will send a break signal causing the picaxe chip to reset. On reset, the software it is polling for comms, if any comms are present, then slot_3 of the program will run and indicate to eeManager that is ready to update the eeprom.

Points to check:
- Slot 3 Is actually loaded into chip.
- Increase the pause in the line, under OnPowerUp:
'wait for one second to get any comms
serrxd [1000, Enable], b0

- decrease the start up delay on slot 3 to about 100 disconnect pause 100

The eeprom should be ok.
