future multiple line command support


Senior Member
Hi Technical,

one for the wish list....support for commands spread over multiple lines
Useful for when you have lines like:

if some_symbol = 1 and another_symbol = 0 and motor_speed = 1 and temperature_flag = 0 and yet_another_symbol = 1 and one_last_symbol = 0 then gosub somewhere_and_do_something           'a really long command testing a large number of bits spread over more than one byte var
would be much easier to read like:

if some_symbol = 1
     and another_symbol = 0
     and motor_speed = 1
     and temperature_flag = 0
     and yet_another_symbol = 1
    and one_last_symbol = 0
          then gosub somewhere_and_do_something        'same thing but easier to read and comment!

food for thought :)


Technical Support
Staff member
The best we can offer at present is the existing long line wrap feature

The long line will then be considered a single line, but will display better.