Free PC Based Oscilloscope using Soundcard


What are you asking? :confused:;)

It certainly looks very pretty.
What does it have that the dozens of other sound card based 'scopes haven't got?
A review by you versus the others would be really helpful for readers.


Senior Member
I think the important thing to note here is the input voltage of +/- 0.7 volt that is stated, and care needs to be taken with the input circuit.


Senior Member
PC based scope using sound card is limited to mostly audio/low level electronics applications but i'm impressed and interested as the designed was done with NI LabVIEW and thus give tremendous open source development/customization to LabVIEW programmers.;)

John West

Senior Member
In addition to the bandwidth limitations of sound card based scopes, the fact that there is no DC reference makes them far less useful than an external scope module.

With inexpensive PC-based scope modules (such as Wolfgang's) around I don't see much use for the software based ones anymore. I think their time has come and gone.

I do find the freebie sound-card based audio signal generators to be handy though. Can't get much cheaper than connectors and wires.


Senior Member
I have this as my scope. Very good for sampling sounds though a mic. I did use it for looking at I2C comms but only when the frequency of the PICAXE was extremely low. Can also be used just fine for servo applications eg. checking pulse widths. Excellent value for money ;)