Flashing an LCD


Hi... I would like to flash/blink certain portions of text on my parallel 2x16 LCD display.

On the second line of my display, the first 10 characters need to blink.

How do I do that?

I understand about putting the LCD into command and data modes. And I thought that I would need to write out the data and then submit the command to do a cursor blink (e.g., $0F and to turn it off $0C...

I just can't get it to work...

Any snippet of code I could look at?

Would appreciate it...


Ex-Staff (retired)
Assuming this is a standard LCD (HD44780) it won't support flashing characters. The best way to do flashing is to overwrite what's there with spaces, then rewrite the original text later.


Senior Member
Using the AXE033 LCD, you can achieve a pseudo-flashing display with the codes
254,8 (Hide Display)
254,12 (Restore Display)
in serial mode or similar in I2C. These switch the entire 16x2 display on and off.
