First program works!

30-odd years ago I wire-wrapped a COSMAC ELF computer by following the instructions in the June 1976 edition of Popular Electronics. It took me a few weeks to put it together, and some real head scratching to figure out where I had cross-wired the power and ground.

Anyway, once it was running I carefully toggled in a program from the magazine, flipped the run switch up, and the Q LED started flashing.

I took the box out to the living room to show my father. "Look" I said, "I wrote a program that flashes a light."

He said "Huh" then reached over and flipped the light switch on the wall up and down. "I can do that" he said "and I don't need to use a computer."

I told you that story so you'd appreciate this one:

Today I wired up a PICAXE-08M and wrote a program for it. After a little bit of trouble shooting (did you know "high pin4" doesn't mean "high 4"?) I hit the run button and light started flashing.

I've been making my living with computers for over 20 years now. I've worked for universities, for a large software company in Redmond, and now I work for a on-line book store you've probably heard of. From where I'm typing right now I've got two 64-bit laptops, two Linux boxes, a server with almost a terrabyte of hard drive space, and a PDA that's as powerful as the server I used 10 years ago. And one other little tiny computer. And the coolest of the lot right now?

That little PICAXE blinking away. That little 8-pin chip is ... well ... just neat.


Senior Member
Behold! The power of doing things from scratch! I designed an entire processor using schematic capture in an Intro to FPGA's class, and the only program i ever toggle switched into it was a blinky-lights program! Doing things yourself is just more satisfying =)


Senior Member
YES!!! Another sucker hooked!! <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> welcome to the eternal struggle that is turning your imagination into reality.

PS I didn't mean the sucker bit!

Well, it's been a couple of nights and it's even better than I thought.

First, I've now wired in a couple of sensors (a trim pot and a photocell), got a bunch of different colored LEDs so I can flash them, and spent a couple of nights hacking around.

And the best part: After watching me write a traffic light program for the 08M my 9-year-old son said &quot;Can I write a program?&quot; so I let him sit down at the keyboard and he wrote a little basic program to make the lights flash in his favorite pattern (all green LEDs).

It's so neat.


Senior Member
The fun is just begining.

Get yourself a couple of 18X's a AXE033 module, a couple of DS18B20's, a few model airplane servos or even a AXE110 and enjoy.
good on ya mate.
yes i know what you mean. i discovered the joy of picaxe around 6 months ago in exactly the same way you did except i had my electronics teacher to help me.