extended serial communication


Hi all,

For an application I need serial communication at 2400 baud with 8 bits + 2 stop bits or, equivalent, 9 bits + 1 stop bit. The Picaxe can only communicate with 8 bits + 1 stop bit. So I think an external hardware solution has to be made.
Has anyone some experience on using an external (simple) UART with Picaxe? Is it possible to use a Maxim MAX3100 SPI UART or is the Picaxe (16 MHz) to slow for this? Or is there a simple parallel in serial out UART? Or what is possible with shift registers? Any suggestion welcome. (I don't like to use my Motorola micro controllers for this.)

Herman, NL


New Member
UART's will not send 9-bit true data, they will send 8-bits plus a parity bit (9) + 1 or 2 stop bits, is this what you weant to do or do you have 9-bits of data?


New Member
Herman, if all you need is a true second stop bit, just add a pause at least 1 bit long after sending each character.


Bulkpaq, it's just how one describes 9 bits, some documentation calls it as 9 bits as they mean 8 bits + 1 parity bit. I mean 8 data bits + 2 stop bits.
Vadim, I'll try this.

Herman, NL