Electronics Shops in London?


Senior Member
(Sorry if this isn't specifically on the subject of Picaxe but I don't know where else to turn to.)

Does anyone know if there are any good electronic component retailers in/near London where you can browse around and buy things you didn't know you wanted when you walked in?

In the 'good old days' I used to like to travel up to the Edgware Road where there were lots of shops specialising in electronics. Now there seems to be only Henry's and judging from my last visit, when they were very helpful, they nevertheless appear to be leaning more towards security and audio.

I know there are lots of Maplin outlets around but I just wondered if I could try anywhere else. Perhaps there is a directory somewhere on the Internet for independent electronics shops but every time I do a search it comes up with millions of HiFi shops.

Can anyone help :confused:


Ex-Staff (retired)
The happy days of Edgeware Road ... all seem to have gone now. There was one which was in the back streets of Soho but I think that's gone. Other than Maplins I cannot think of any.


Senior Member
Sadly the days of wondering round electronic Aladdin's caves seems to be gone. Rapidonline.com and other on line suppliers seems to have taken over.


Senior Member
Hmmm...I fear you are right :(

Assuming I'm getting desparate for some serious electronic browsing, is there anywhere like this in the whole of the UK?


Senior Member
Any hamfests going on in the area? Many amateur radio operators (hams) are tinkerers in a number of fields (myself included) and there are usually bits and pieces of everything "techie" at a large hamfest.

In the US I would check with the American Radio Relay League www.arrl.org for scheduled events. The UK has the Radio Society of Great Britain www.rsgb.org so that's a place to check.



Senior Member
Aside from the Internet, retail outlets are naturally subject to profit margins & steep inner city rentals of course! Back in the old days when BC547s sold for an hours wages EACH it made good business sense to have a shop front. I had a good wander up London's Tottenham Court Rd in 2006 & indeed confirm things had gone end user rather than enthusiast.

Perhaps you should move down under? Almost every Oz/NZ town has a Dick Smith Electronics(tending consumer goods) or Jaycar, with the latter increasingly #1 for e-parts. I've just received Jaycar's 451 page 2008 catalog. & practically the only thing missing are PICAXEs!


Senior Member
Sounds like down under is the place to be!!

Short of free air travel I think I'll take John and eclectic's advice and try the fairs.



Senior Member
I can't believe it!!! I was in Lincoln last year on a family 'history day'...if only I had known!

Anyway, Mr. Birkett's is now FIRMLY on my list of important places to visit!

Thank you for the tip.



Senior Member
Its in Lincoln actually at the top of the high street - been there years and years.
Oops! My mistake. I didn't even look at the address. I skipped ahead to the pretty pictures.

But what the heck. When you consider the distance between Seattle and London, the distance between London and Lincoln is moot. :)



Senior Member
Oops! My mistake. I didn't even look at the address. I skipped ahead to the pretty pictures.

But what the heck. When you consider the distance between Seattle and London, the distance between London and Lincoln is moot. :)

Not with our transport system it isn't. it could take longer to get from London to Lincoln, and finding a parking space! - Well, people kill for parking in Lincoln.