Eeprom symbols?


Hi all,

I have been using the following code to run a display for some time now, displaying letters only, now i want to display some numbers,and represent them in eeprom.Here's a snippet...

Symbol l_A = 0 :EEPROM l_A,($7E, $11, $11,
$11, $7E) ' Letter A
Symbol l_B = 5 :EEPROM l_B,($7F, $49, $49, $49, $36) ' B
Symbol l_C = 10 :EEPROM l_C,($3E, $41, $41, $41, $22) ' C
Symbol l_D = 15 :EEPROM l_D,($7F, $41, $41, $22, $1C) ' D
Symbol l_E = 20 :EEPROM l_E,($7F, $49, $49, $49, $41) ' E
ready: b5="A"
gosub sendthechar
gosub sendthechar
gosub sendthechar
gosub sendthechar
gosub sendthechar

sendthechar: b5 = b5 - "A" * 5
for b7 = 1 to 5
read b5,b0
gosub sendbytechar
b5 = b5 + 1
next b7
pause 50
pulsout 7,1
low 4

sendbytechar: low 5
low 7
for b3 = 1 to 8
pulsout 6,1
b0 = b0 * 2
next b3

when i try and write eg. Symbol l_0 = 130 :EEPROM l_0,($7F, $49, $49, $49, $41) ' 0

and then b5= "0" in the program to represent a number it doesn't work.The character for that position is missing. Am i doing somthing wrong with the symbol or b5?.Using a picaxe 18X which should have enough room in eeprom for letters and numbers 0-9.

Thank you...

Jeremy Leach

Senior Member
Not too sure what you mean, but my guess is that the problem lies in your statement :
<code><pre><font size=2 face='Courier'>
sendthechar: b5 = b5 - &quot;A&quot; * 5

When b5 is a letter, the result of this calculation gives an index to the EEPROM start address for the 5 bytes you want to send representing the letter (I don't understand why you're sending 5, but that doesn't matter!).

If b5 is &quot;A&quot; on entry to this statement, then the index will be EEPROM address 0, which corresponds to your code.

However if b5 = &quot;0&quot; then because 0 is quite a few characters before A in ASCII, then you'll get a strange address index.

I think the solution will be to decide on how your data is going to be laid out in EEPROM, then make sure your statement(s) to calculate the index are correct.
