Driving a S6B1713 graphical LCD


New Member
Has anyone had any experience in using a Picaxe chip with a S6B1713?
I have successfully used character-based LCD screens in the past, but when I looked at the datasheet for my graphical LCD I didnt have a clue where to start!

Any ideas?


Driving a GLCD is not a walk in the park.
And trying to do some code to get the best out of a GLCD will probably fill up your PICAXE.

If someone does an interpreter chip then it will save a lot of time and probably run 50x faster.

If Westy is twiddling his thumbs then maybe he has the time to get you started.
Trouble is that getting started involves a couple of hours reading the timing diagrams on th Data Sheet.
I've never used that GLCD. Only KS0108, T6963 and a S1D-something which I've forgotten as my anorak is hanging up ;)
There is another driver used on cheaper GLCDs which I may look into but I can't offhand remember its number.


Senior Member
4D Systems released a couple of nifty boards for their displays last year. A development board with a four way stick, speaker and a breadboard for your microcontroller. When you have worked out your menu system etc put the display on you app board and you are away.



S6B1713 based graphical LCD

Have my own new projects (sell a house and test some 433MHz radio modules for wireless PICAXE comms).


Firstly, welcome to the PICAXE forum.

Do you have a link to the actual GLCD module? :confused:

Is it using the Serial or Parallel data mode or does your module have both options?

Have you done a Google search for information? :confused:
Post 6 here has some code in the C programming language.

and some slightly more plain language description so you understand what those signals do plus some C program code again. This site seems to be a better starting point - its more like a tutorial than "how do I get my GLCD working".

Even having data in another language can be very helpful in getting the LCD initialised. Once you can get it initialised, writing PICAXE code to display fonts and graphics is relatively straight forward by comparison.

This guy has a GLCD based on your chip working (a neat pic showing graphics as well).
Follow the links and you might find some code.

and a U-tube demo or two:
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New Member

Thanks for all the information and links etc. - looks like ill get there eventually.

Talking of radio modules I am experimenting with the MICR506 tranceiver modules;they look useful if you can surface mount them. If you create an account with Micrel (www.micrel.com) you can order up to 5 free samples.