downloading file


Senior Member
I have two 082M+ both from the same will download without power cycling, one wont (needs power off, start download, power on)
why would that be?
The one that doesnt program fails at "looking for hardware on port 4"
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Technical Support
Staff member
The most common cause is one program in the PICAXE doing something different to the other. Though it can sometimes just be 'luck' as to where in the same program each PICAXE is as to whether it sees the download or not.


Senior Member
Ah, OK...thanks
I THOUGHT I read somewhere that the older PIC's needed a power reset to start the download whereas the newer ones didnt.....not 100% sure though
do they DO need a power reset to start the download then, yes ?
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Senior Member
POSSIBLY.....because I am using the serial o/p pin as an o/p and therefore have a "disconnect" command in the program......??


Senior Member
a Disconnect command will definitely require the "hard reset" programming procedure because the PICAXE is no longer monitoring the SERIN pin to detect the break command for a new program download.


Technical Support
Staff member
Yes, DISCONECT will definitely stop downloads being recognised, will require a hard reset for subsequent downloads.

Note that DISCONNECT is only required if using the Download Serial In for receiving serial data (SERRXD) or you have a button or something else connected to that pin.

You don't need a DISCONNECT just to use SERTXD or to use the Download Serial Out pin to control LED's, Piezos, relays etc.