DOG Display


Hi all, sorry for the maybe confusing title but I have been looking a while for an affordable display that can be used with Picaxe chips W/O consuming 8 datalines. One option was the usage of a LCD driver that can accept RS232 (ttl) signals, but these are 10-15 € more expensive becouse of these extra hardware.

But a few days ago I stumbled on the DOG-SERIE LCD displays from ( These modules come in various colors (normal and inverted) with optional backlight. And best of all they can be used with 4/8 bit, SPI and I2C and run from 3.3 to 5v!

I have tested the (DOGM081W-A) 8x1 chars with SPI. I used them with a 08M to show some messages with 3 wires. (normally you would need 4 but you can also pull it off with 3) I didn't need any other hardware, just the 08M and the LCD. The price for the LCD was about 15€.

I'm verry happy about these LCD's and how easy they are to implement in a Picaxe project. So I thought I'll share my finding with the other picaxe users.



Senior Member
Very impressive, although I thought for a moment you were teasing us as a result of the cat &amp; rabit quest! Mmm-maybe you are ?For those who speaka da English check <A href=' ' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>

LCD driving by the Hippy/18X method is pretty well established, but naturally simpler 08M setups appeal as the total cost may be less as well. That 3.3-5V supply looks particularly welcome as many budget LCDs need a good 5V, ruling out traditional 3 x AA (4.5V) setups.

THOUGHT: A picture tells 1000 words &amp; their data .pdf <A href=' ' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>is quite technical, so can you maybe upload a quick 08M layout photo or schematic to get our creative juices flowing ? Tinypic <A href=' ' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a> allows easy 1 off uploads if you've no hosting space. Stan

Edited by - manuka on 12/02/2007 00:25:40


New Member
For those south of the equator 15 euro + unknown shipping but I see they are looking for distributers in Australia. If Stan wrote an article and Jaycar/Dick Smith stocked them...

Edited by - Dr_Acula on 12/02/2007 00:20:15


Senior Member
I'd certainly write an enthusiastic article if down under prices could be contained. Naturally I'd even rope my Aussie terrier dog &quot;Jack&quot; in as a backdrop! for his DOG moment of fame. What does that DOG stand for I wonder? However 15 euro is ~A$25-$30 &amp; about the upper limit folks here would pay I'd say. How about we put our antipodean hands up forsome free samples?


As soon as I'm home from work I'll post some links to pictures and code I used for my 08M flash (as in camera) time measuring device.
(very early development breadboard stage offcourse)


Senior Member
i came accross this little LCD, looks quite easy to use.
<A href='' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>

at USD90, it looks like it could be fun.


Senior Member
silly me, forgot to mention:
its a 128X64 graphics LCD with 1200 to 4800 baud RS232, 5V, and only takes one output line. i haven't tried it, but i am shopping around.


Senior Member
For a PICAXE compatible graphic LCD, check out FGC GLIC <A href='' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>.

Or even consider using a PDA as a touch screen display.



Senior Member
&quot;using a PDA for a touch screen interface&quot;

I wrote a program called &quot;IntraFace&quot; to do this on a Palm PDA (prototype for an A/V control system for someone else - their end was never completed, although they did write a PC program to create screens).
IntraFace uses short AsCII commands (mostly one or two characters) for drawing the screen elements (lines, circles, boxes) and text. It sends back the X,Y location of screen taps and any characters entered (by stylus or keyboard). A screen design can be saved (by name) and recalled later. The connection to an external device is either serial or simple IR (SIR). Note that SIR is not available on newer Palm devices that use an OMAP processor - they only provide IRDA.

If anyone is interested, I can probably find copies of the program and its source code.



Ex-Staff (retired)
I've been looking for a Terminal ( just receive and display will do ) program for an original Palm Pilot ( &quot;Pilot 5000&quot; / OS 1.0.7 ) but no joy. Everything I found requires a later OS version.

IF anyone does know of such a program ...


New Member
papaof2 - I have a palm m100 that I was wanting to use as an IR interface to the picaxe.

Would your &quot;IntraFace&quot; work for it?



This is a LCD that is also is a touch screen. And has a TTL level serial interface.

<A href='' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>


Senior Member
Here's the reply from the German firm, &amp; it hence looks as if a sample is en route. I respectively suggest not everyone flood them yet with such requests- I'll test &amp; post impressions/pix when it arrives. Stan

<code><pre><font size=2 face='Courier'>ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY GmbH
Lochhamer Schlag 17
D-82166 Gr&#228;felfing
Tel. +49 - 89 - 854 19 91
Fax +49 - 89 - 854 17 21

Dear Mr. Swan,

great idea, driving the EA DOGM with DIP8 microcontroller. There are 4 lines required
and there are already 2 ports left.

We'll send you the blue-white version and I'm eager to received your report when
application is ready. Parts are F.O.C.


bitte schicke ihm 1x DOGM162B-A und 1x LED55x31-W und 2x FL-20P als kostenfreie
Muster. Danke !

I wish you a lot of fun with them !

Best regards

Ralph Tischer


Senior Member
For Arvin and any others who may be interested, the IntraFace can be downloaded here: <A href='' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>

Note that this was originally intended as a custom control unit for an A/V system, so it's not particularly well documented or user friendly from an experimenter's point of view.

IntraFace uses Simple IR (SIR), so think bit-banged serial via IR, not infrain/infraout.

The (minimal) documentation is in the two .txt files.

Copy the 3 .prc files to the Palm, connect it to a serial port on a PC, run IntrafaceTester and explore it.

The IFSend program can send commands to IntraFace from another Palm device.



New Member
Hippy said:
<i>I've been looking for a Terminal ( just receive and display will do ) program for an original Palm Pilot ( &quot;Pilot 5000&quot; / OS 1.0.7 ) but no joy. Everything I found requires a later OS version. </i>

try Palm program -Online

<A href='' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>

their website says v 3.05 is supported, but &quot;earlier versions may work, but are not supported&quot;

Worth a try.


Senior Member
DOG display mentioned above has just arrived down here in the South Seas. Testing underway, but I'd appreciate if MELAZARUS could upload some pix ( +schematic &amp; code ?)of his 3 wire 08M setup. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) has assorted +/- features &amp; I'd naturally rather not reinvent the display wheel if a viable 08M approach has already evolved ! Stan

Edited by - manuka on 19/02/2007 09:55:13