DAYDREAMING: How can one use external memory in a picaxe project.....

Just thinking about extending a project. When you code in .net c# er whatever for software you can pull from files/external memory
to pull into your program..... say an mp3 or an image file... how would one add external memory to a picaxe project and pull from its memory?


Have you tried a search of the PICAXE forum?

For small to medium quantities of additional memory there are options such as RAM, FRAM and EEPROM (24LCxxx series) which typically conenct via the two pins allocated for the i2c comms bus, however there are also SPI serial interface versions of many of these chip types as well.
The there are various SDRAM card options. Try a search for SDRAM, uSD and Openlog as a starter.
This project used a 4K I2C eeprom to store an html template to allow a picaxe to be a web server:

Also search for openlogger.

However: what would you do with an mp3 file or an image file if you were able to access it with a picaxe?
well like I said daydreaming.... what if I was going to build a robot that had a mp3 sound file to pull from if it had If and then statements....say a LOT of them... if its proximity sensor was close enough to an object say...."OOps"....or well hell you've all seen tickle me get the jist


Senior Member
Search for "animatronics". A number of threads cover this. The picaxe can't handle the mp3 file itself, it tells an attached mp3 module which of the mp3 files on the module to play.


It can be worthwhile indicating up front what aspect of a project you are daydreaming about. Can save time and receive answers more orientated to what you a "dreaming" about.

There are also a number of threads on various sound cards where the sound files are intended to be store on media such as a uSD card and then placed be sending serial commands or pushbuttons.
Try a search of the PICAXE forum for these devices.
Recall MDFly, 4D Systems and some others have been discussed in the past on this forum. Not all use mp3 files and the 4D Systems offering gave some forum members difficulties (some uSD cards work and others do not).
It can be worthwhile indicating up front what aspect of a project you are daydreaming about. Can save time and receive answers more orientated to what you a "dreaming" about.

There are also a number of threads on various sound cards where the sound files are intended to be store on media such as a uSD card and then placed be sending serial commands or pushbuttons.
Try a search of the PICAXE forum for these devices.
Recall MDFly, 4D Systems and some others have been discussed in the past on this forum. Not all use mp3 files and the 4D Systems offering gave some forum members difficulties (some uSD cards work and others do not).
.....thank you havent actually got to that point just wandered what it might entail.... was thinking about building my little girl a robot in the future when i gained more skill with microcontrollers.