Daisy chaining 28X1?


Dear all,

Now the 28X1 has the SPI bus available I think of several daisy chained slaves with one master.
Would this be possible?

Herman, NL


Technical Support
Staff member
A much better way is using an i2c bus, with one 28X1 as a master and multiple i2c slaves.

SPI requires an 'enable' line for each device - this limits its usefulness, i2c does not. See the hi2csteup in the updated manual part 2.


As with I2C, there is only one set of dedicated hardware pins so "daisy chaining" would not be possible in the "in one end out the other sense". You could use soft pins but that would be slow.
For daisy chaining I would opt for background serial comms.
With the features of the 28X1 there are many options. The "best" option would really depend on the specifics of the project but daisy chaining is certainly possible but not sure I'd try to use SPI to do it.

Crossed with Tech's reply.

Edited by - beaniebots on 01/05/2007 21:22:23