Compile error when using accents (PE 5.1.7)


[workaround OK] Compile error when using accents (PE 5.1.7)

First of all : Happy New Year to all !
Now, my problem :
when I use accents in a program, I have a "Compile error..." with this message :

Error: Values greater to 65535 are not supported!

and the first line of the program is highlighted, not the one with the error.
Just try to compile this program (tested in 18X mode) :
 serout 7, T2400, ("Hello World")
 serout 7, T2400, ("Bonne Année")
 goto main
Could it be possible to have a more explicit error message in this case, and to highlight the correct line ?
Is there any way to use accents in a program ? (even if I don't know if my LCD will support them)
Thank you.

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New Member
hmmm.... Is the code you posted copied from the editor?
I copied the code you give and added:
#picaxe 18x
at the top and checked syntax with F4 on version 5.1.5 with no error message. I didn't even catch the messages about the new versions!

It would have given an error without the 18x line since I had my default set to 08m since that's the little baby I use almost exclusively.


Ex-Staff (retired)
I tested all enhanced and original compilers for 5.1.5 ...

14M and 28X1 : Give the 65535 error

All the rest compile withou complaint.


Thank you for testing.
It seems this is another problem with the new Programming Editor : I am using 5.1.7 (as stated in the thread title).
With PE 5.1.6, there was the problem with the error messages empty or truncated, quickly corrected with PE 5.1.7.
Now, with PE 5.1.7 there is the accents problem, which doesn't appear in PE 5.1.5.

I would like to go back to 5.1.5 (which was very stable for me), but this version is no longer available on the download page.
Technical, could you please insert the full 5.1.5 version on the download page ? I am quite sure you will correct the 65535 error quickly, but I will now wait for a stable version before upgrading again.
Thank you.



Senior Member

Nicely done website!

For those of us who cannot read French, there are many excellent web-based translators.



(out of topic)

Thank you Myc for your comment.
I thought it could be a good idea to share the Picaxe experience with French people.
But I try to update (when I can find time...) my site in both French and English at the same time : you can choose the language with a small menu at the top of the page. So you don't need to use another translator ! (except if you can't read my English... ;))



Ex-Staff (retired)
Installed 5.1.7 and the problem is with all enhanced compilers but okay for original 18X ...

View -> Options -> Editor -> Compiler

A bit late now, but it's always a good idea to download the bas805.exe into different directories ( 5-1-6, 5-1-7 etc ) then it's very easy to revert back to an earlier version if needs arrive.


I am not sure to understand what you mean, Hippy :
Installed 5.1.7 and the problem is with all enhanced compilers but okay for original 18X ...
I have switched from "enhanced" to "original" compiler in View -> Options -> Editor -> Compiler, and now I have these errors (click on image to view full size) :


When I check the files, I can see :
Directory of C:\Program Files\Programming Editor\picprog

28/12/2007  11:03       <DIR>          .
28/12/2007  11:03       <DIR>          ..
23/05/2004  19:05              143 072 CSTAMP16.EXE
27/10/1998  09:16                2 040 flash.hex
25/07/2003  16:42              122 752 ISTAMP16.EXE
05/08/2003  11:04              124 096 pic18.exe
05/08/2003  11:04              124 032 pic28.exe
01/02/2006  11:27              107 424 picaxe08.exe
01/02/2006  11:30              106 528 PICAXE08A.EXE
01/02/2006  11:30              106 528 PICAXE14A.EXE
01/02/2006  11:28              106 528 PICAXE18.EXE
01/02/2006  11:28              106 432 PICAXE18A.EXE
01/02/2006  11:28              107 936 PICAXE18X.EXE
01/02/2006  11:27              107 840 PICAXE18X_1.EXE
01/02/2006  11:30              106 560 PICAXE28.EXE
01/02/2006  11:29              106 816 picaxe28a.EXE
01/02/2006  11:29              107 648 PICAXE28X.EXE
01/02/2006  11:29              107 552 PICAXE28X_1.EXE
08/03/2007  13:31               21 331 picdef.ini
08/08/2007  10:37              720 896 picprog.exe
01/11/1998  17:13               50 787 PICPROG.HLP
17/05/2007  13:35                   90 picprog.ini
25/07/2003  16:47              122 816 WSTAMP16.EXE
25/07/2003  16:43              122 336 Xstamp16.exe
              22 File(s)      2 732 040 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   8 274 681 856 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Programming Editor\picprog>
What do you mean by "okay for the original 18X" ?
By the way, you are right with your last comment : I will try to be more careful now...



Thank you Technical for the update.
Here is what I've done :
- install the latest full version available (PE 5.1.6)
- uncompress patch 5.1.5 in a different directory
- replace official /compiler directory in 5.1.6 (renamed to compiler_516) by the /compiler delivered with 5.1.5
-> It's OK : it works well.
Just one remark : whith this method it is no longer possible to know exactly the running version, since the help -> about will give the full version installed, which may become confusing.
But this is a temporary situation, and I really appreciate your help, and now I understand what the patch are.
