Code failure


Senior Member
I am attempting to run this code.

'Station Base developement
'Vers 1 @ 10/10/12



symbol LCD=b.6
symbol ANT=b.1

symbol ASK=b.2 'Conn to RX port
symbol ANS=b.3 'Conn to TX port

symbol HrHi=b18
symbol HrLo=b19
symbol MinHi=b20
symbol MinLo=b21
symbol DayHi=b22
symbol DayLo=b23
symbol MthHi=b24
symbol MthLo=b25
symbol YrHi=b26
symbol YrLo=b27

setfreq m16

pause 2000

	serout LCD,N2400_16,(254,1,254,1)
	pause 200



	gosub get_time
	pause 5000
	gosub get_base
	pause 5000



	i2cslave%11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
		readi2c 1,(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6)
	pause 1000

	bcdtoascii b2,HrHi,HrLo
	bcdtoascii b1,MinHi,MinLo	
	bcdtoascii b4,DayHi,DayLo
	bcdtoascii b5,MthHi,MthLo
	bcdtoascii b6,YrHi,YrLo
	serout LCD,N2400_16,(254,192,HrHi,HrLo,":",MinHi,MinLo)
	serout LCD,N2400_16,(254,199,dayHi,DayLo,"/",MthHi,MthLo,"/",YrHi,YrLo)
	pause 10000



	'First get pressure
	setfreq m32
	pause 500
	serout ASK,t9600_32,("$sure p",$0D,$0A) 'Get pressure
	serin ANS,t9600_32,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7
	setfreq m16
		serout LCD,N2400_16,(254,128,b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6)
		sertxd ("Hg ",b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,cr,lf)

	pause 500
	'Now get temperature
	setfreq m32
	serout ASK,t9600_32,("$sure t-c",$0D,$0A) 'Get pressure
	serin ANS,t9600_32,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9
	setfreq m16
		serout LCD,N2400_16,(254,135,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9)
		sertxd (b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,cr,lf)

	pause 500


Each block works perfectly on it's own.

When run, the screen clears and the time is displayed correctly. Nothing further happens and sertxd does not respond.

If I rem out the gosub get_time, the program loops OK, and sertxd shows regular updates.

However, if I change the loop order thus ...


	pause 5000
	gosub get_base
	pause 5000
	gosub get_time
Data first, then time, ALL performs OK, time and data updated regularly.

I thought at first some variable conflict. Any ideas?


Senior Member
Possibly not the cure to your problem but I notice that you are running the native 20M2 at 16MHz for the i2c comms, 4 times its native speed. However, the i2c is configured for 4MHz slow.

Before you go any further, replace with the following i2c setup command:

i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow_16, i2cbyte_16
Secondly, should you position the input point on the LCD before issuing the following command?

serout ASK,t9600_32,("$sure p",$0D,$0A) 'Get pressure


Senior Member
Working fine now thanks to your inputs.

@IWP - Changing the I2C parameters as suggested just produced a syntax error. However that made me focus on the chip speed.
I re-jigged the code to run at 4mHZ, only calling m32 for the serial to the pressure / temperature module. Works fine now whichever sub routine I call first.

I have a suspicion that it was OK anyway and I assumed a fault due to a loooong delay between clock and data.

@Bill - No, neither. Improvements to an original project

more changes in the pipeline.


Senior Member
Changing the I2C parameters as suggested just produced a syntax error.
I was at work and made the suggestion off the top of my head during a coffee break.

A check of the manual would have given you the correct syntax:
i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow_16, i2cbyte