Card Reader

I've recently purchased a card reader from all electronics here

And I was wondering if you guys could help me out with some stuff.

There is no set baud rate for the reader because its speed is depended on the speed of the swipe. There is a clk line that falls every time a new bit of data is sent. I really have no idea how to store this or even relay it to my computer. The data is also stored in a different format IS0 so I'm really hoping you guys could help.

I'm sure your wondering what the heck I'm doing. I'm just an average 16 yr old and i finally got my first debt card. (dangerous stuff!!) And I'm curious on how they work.

Tyler Berezowsky
Hmm I cant really understand C but it looks every time the clock falls a bit is stored then inverted, somehow run through a parity check, stored and then looked up in a table?