Calibadc problems


New Member
I'm getting something odd, after upgrading to 5.2.5. Previously to the upgrade, my code was reading the battery voltage via a 27k/27k voltage divider and readadc10. With the calibration from calibadc10, I was getting results within 3% of my cheap multimeter.

However, now:

calibadc b0

gives me a value of 255. "calibadc10 w0" gives me 1023.

I'm running a 40X1, 5.06V power supply from a MAX756 powered by batteries. Am I correct in thinking that calibadc10 should give me (0.6/5.06 * 1023) = 121, or thereabouts?

I'd suspect a damaged Picaxe, but everything else (readadc10, i2c, the usual gubbins) is working just fine.


Ex-Staff (retired)
This appears to be a compiler issue which we apologise for and will investigate further. The best work round would seem to be to downgrade to an earlier version of the Programming Editor.


New Member
Thanks for the timely answer, now I can stop worrying about it. There's plenty of other development to do on this version of the software, the battery management can wait for a while.