Beginner's Blog


Beginner's Blog

I'm new (very new) to PicAxe and having had a lay off of more than 20 years from electronics, am pretty much new to that too!

(NB Some of you may notice some inconsistencies in my time line, but in my defence, one of my daughters is also posting here with this account to get help with an engineering club project - I'm just here enjoying electronics and the possibilities of PicAxe).

Anyway, I thought I would start this blog to share with any other newbies the information I have either found out for myself, or information that has been shared by others on this site. It won't be advanced - hence the title Beginner's Blog - but hopefully it will help a few others to get a head start.


Blog 1: Uploading Information
In my first request for help I was roundly criticised for the quality of my photographs. I have a point and click digital camera, where the optical zoom seems to be analogue (ie it moves smoothly between any two levels of zoom) but the digital zoom steps from one level of zoom to the next.

I have learned that when shooting a breadboard or small circuit board, I need to use the digital zoom to get a large enough, good quality image. However, the fact that the digital zoom steps from one value to the next means that I still have to adjust the position of the camera itself to get good photographs. I digital zoom in to a level that I think should show enough detail, then move the camera backwards and forwards until the image is in focus. Works for me!

Hopefully this will help you when posting your own photos.