AXEpad program error Mac


New Member
Have installed AXE027 successfully and tried to send a program to an 08M cyberpet. First get message 'Problem opening .Asm as TextInputSteam' followed by 'Failed to Creat .Err File'. Screenshots attached.

Have tried defining labels before I start, but same drill....really don't want to give up and go back to Windows but....:confused:

Thanks in advance....



Ex-Staff (retired)
This seems to be the same or similar problem reported earlier as post #20 here ...

We are investigating the issue and will hopeful quickly resolve the problem. MacAXEpad has been tested before releasing the Beta and is being used successfully by others but there seems to be a specific issue here for which we apologise.

Could you please try the following tests which may help identify where the problem is -

1) Try a simple program ( "High 0" ) with a different PICAXE selected.

2) Try saving with a short and sweet name ( eg, X.BAS - no embedded spaces or non-alphanumeric etc ) and syntax checking that.

3) Try a Firmware Check ( View->Options->Mode ) with 08M option selected and again with other options selected.

Many thanks.


New Member
Thanks for your prompt reply, hippy.

Have had a chance to try your ideas this weekend; not much luck though.

1st suggestion gives same message as previously.

Tried saving as x.bas and reopened once, then the attached message appeared...

Firmware check gave positive response on all options (with an 08 attached!)

Hope this helps - got a class of Year 6's supposed to be programming on Macs in the next few weeks!



Ex-Staff (retired)
Thanks for the feedback and we are investigating the second issue.

Apologies if my Mac terminology is incorrect, but was this error from using "Open Recent" on the MacAXEpad menu bar without any editing windows open ?

If so, a work round should be to not use "Open Recent" in those circumstances. Use "New" or "Open" and only use "Open Recent" when at least one editing window is already open.

We will resolve this before final release and this issue should not affect the Windows or Linux versions of AXEpad; Mac handles applications and menu bars in quite a different way to how Windows and Linux does.


New Member
Has an answer been found for this yet?

I excitedly downloaded the software and installed it and the drivers happily only to get this error message each and every time

problem opening .asm as textinputsteam

This is unbelievably frustrating.

Any clues?


Ex-Staff (retired)
We are still investigating this issue. It is a problem which does not affect all Mac AXEpad users and appears to be something which is user, installation or configuration specific. This is not a problem which was anticipated nor one which revealed itself during pre-release testing.

It is always to be expected that there will be some issues which reveal themselves when software applications are released because it is impossible to test every combination or configuration that all users will or may have and this is why the software is a Beta release. Unfortunately this issue is more severe than most others usually are.


New Member
Thanks for the reply.

Hopefully you will find a solution to this soon because the thought of being able to use PICAXE on my mac is very exciting.

I will try it on my old G4s at home tonight, see if I have any luck there.

I wonder what config issue it could be?

Will watch with interest, can you post here if it gets solved?




Hello Andy ad Hippy,
This seems to be the exact same issue that I am having with the "other" mac (normally, I am using a macbook running osx 10.5.6, but I have been trying to program a picaxe on a different computer (for reasons that you're aware of, hippy).

I get the same result if I "check syntax"

and the options>mode>firmware returns a sucessful detection

In any case, I am having a similar issue, and so if I can help supply additional information to aid in debugging etc. please let me know.



Ex-Staff (retired)
This is an issue which we believe we have a solution for and are currently testing. It only applies to some Mac's and has caused its share of frustration here as well, along with adding a considerable amount of work which had not been scheduled.


Technical Support
Staff member
MacAXEpad 0.1.4 is now available and we believe it should solve these issues on Mac 10.4.x


New Member
I tested the software last week and the problem is fixed. Now running MacAxePad happily on my MacBook.

Now it's time to deal with the problem on my G4's...........