AXE049 ADC Question



I have an AXE049 board that I programmed to communicate with my AXE133Y OLED module.

I now want to be able to read the value from an A1302 linear hall effect sensor using the AXE049 but can't figure out how to connect the sensor to the board.

Can anyone help?




Senior Member
Do you have a link to the data sheet?

Ususally these devices have 3 connections: Vcc, 0v and the output, which can be analogue in the range of 0v and Vcc.
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Senior Member
Datasheet is here
Indeed they are only a 3 pin device,5V, 0V, and linear (analogue!) output.

DDJ: you'll need to use READADC to know the strength of the magnetic field.

Not certain here, but it looks like you have an analogue input at the bottom left, "IN0". I'd use that to do testing with. PIN17??
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Senior Member

But what about a data sheet for the AXE049 ? :confused:

I've followed various links on this site which promise a "datasheet" only to be dumped into one of the User Manuals, inside which a search for "AXE049" (and variations) produces NO hits. There are various PCB component layouts which are probably relevant but NO circuit diagram.

The basic answer to the OP's question should be very simple, but how are those of us without an AXE049 supposed to help when we don't know which pins are easily accessible to the user?

Cheers, Alan.

PS: Does MPep mean LEG 17 ?


Thanks for the replies.

I can't find a schematic for the AXE049 either which is why I had to ask. All I have is the image below (ripped from AXE049 manual).

Maybe Technical can shed some light on this???

axe049 extract.png