AXE020 or AXE022?


New Member
For my next little project I'm going to use a 28X pic and I'm thinking of using the AXE020 28 Pin project board since it has the ULN2803 on board, ribbon cable headers on board and allows enough I/O pins to suit.

Is this board compatible with the 28X? Will I be able to connect a couple of DS18B20's to pin 2 (ADCO/InA0) ?

Alternatively I'll go with the AXE022 board, is this drilled to take ribbon cable headers?



AXE020 and AXE022

The AXE020 starter board is specifically designed to take the PICAXE28 series microcontrollers. All of these PICAXE28 series chips have the same pin-out for the primary inputs and outputs (see manual 1 page 26). Is just that some versions have added/different alternate functions for some of the pins.

The AXE022 is a prototype board which can take a PICAXE 28/40 series microcontrollers. There are no pull down resistors for the inputs or Darlington transistors for the outputs. You have a basic board with the microcontroller, programming socket and provision for external resonators. There is also provision for a PICAXE Net connection.

The pads are more intended for direct soldering of components or wires to them. There are 3 pads in series for each I/O pin on the PICAXE and then Vcc (+5V) and Vss (0V) tracks/rails each with a pad in line with the groups of 3 pads from each I/O. On my AXE022, the pad spacings are a bit variable.

For all I/O pins, the corresponding three pads are all at 0.1 inch spacing
Then at the outputs there is a 0.2 inch spacing to the Vcc and a further 0.1 inch to the Vss pads.

For the Analogue inputs and Port C pads the spacing between the group of three pads and the Vcc pads is slightly different so that connectors at 0.1 inch centres do not match.

The physically arrangement (conceptual, not to scale) of these pads is shown in my attachment on thread at post No 4.
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AXE020 or AXE022

Forgot to mention, the AXE020 board has pulldown resistors (connecting the input lines down to Vss) already installed for the inputs.
If you are going to connect some DS18B20 temperature sensors, then you need to remove the resistors and add some 4.7kOhm pull-up resistors (connecting the signal inputs to VCC) for those inputs used for the temp sensors.


Senior Member

If you haven’t already seen it here is a picture of how I set up my AXE022 boards:
I use single strip machined IC headers for connecting pullup/pulldown resistors to the inputs if required and connector headers to run out my leads.
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