axe-119 ipod kit


Senior Member
If you take a look at this Rev-Ed catalogue, you'll find axe-119 ipod kit. However, if you do a search on the shop, it doesn't come up. Did this kit ever exist? I,d be interested in looking at circuits, and code for controlling ipod devices.


Andrew Cowan

Senior Member
Rev-ed seem to sell a lot of products for school and such that aren't available for us to buy. I would email rev-ed to find out more if I was you.

The rev-ed price list lists the axe119 as £9.99.



AXE119 kit

The kit (see attached).

As Andrew says, still listed on the Rev Ed store "Tech Supplies" price list dtaed October 2007.

Looking at the main Australia Agents (Microzed) website, no sign of this AXE119 kit on their site.


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Technical Support
Staff member
We'll add it to the online store.
The kit is basically an iPod breakout board, and a 14M on an AXE117 project board.

This code should get you going:
; iPod controller
; Using AXE117 Project board and Podbreakout board
; Note on v1 of the AXE117 PCB the bottom 10K and 22k are reverse marked!
; 22k should be above WWW. text
; 10k should be above .CO.UK text
; Connections
; iPod Podbreakout  PICAXE-14M on AXE117
; Txd  12   Input0
; Rxd  13   Output5 (via 10k/22k divider to give 3.3V)
; Gnd  1   0V
; Also link pin 11 to pin 21 of Podbreakout with 470k resistor
;  - this puts iPod into serial mode
; Serial baud rate - normally 19200,n,8,1
; However iPod 'learns' baudrate from the header $FF $55
; Therefore most baudrates can be used - we will use 9600
; by running 14M at double speed on 4800.
; Remember all pauses will now be half as long!
; Format
; Header $FF $55 
; Length $xx  = ? bytes = size of mode + command + parameter
; Mode $xx  = 1 byte
; Command $xx $xx = 2 bytes
; Parameter variable = ? bytes = 0 - 250 extra bytes
; Checksum $xx  = 1 byte  = $100 - (sum of all bytes & $FF)
; Modes
; $00 mode switching
; $01 voice recorder
; $02 simple remote
; $03 request mode
; $04 advanced Remore Mode (AiR)
;Mode switching
; $01 $01 Switch to Voice Recorder Mode
; $01 $02 Switch to Remote Mode
; $01 $04 Switch to AiR Mode
; $03  Get current mode status
; $04 $xx Get current mode number
; example, to switch to mode AiR
; $FF $55 $03 $00 $01 $04 $F8 
; For AiR commands google 'iPod Serial Protocol'
; We will just use Mode 2, simple iPod remote mode
; Mode 2, iPod Remote
; Protocol - send cmd with 12ms delay
; then send button released
; $00 $00  Button Released $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $00 $FB 
; $00 $01  Play /Pause  $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $01 $FA
; $00 $02  Vol+   $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $02 $F9
; $00 $04  Vol-   $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $04 $F7
; $00 $08  Skip >  $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $08 $F3
; $00 $10  Skip <  $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $10 $EB
; $00 $20  Next Album  $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $20 $DB
; $00 $40  Previous Album $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $40 $BB
; $00 $80  Stop   $FF $55 $03 $02 $00 $80 $7B
; Simple maths test routine, ok so we are lazy!
; Get the PICAXE to work out the checksums above for us!
; Add all bytes apart from checksum
; The answer will be in b1
 b0 = $03 + $02 + $00 + $80
 b1 = 0 - b0
 pause 1000
 goto maths
; Additional commands found on internet - not tested, checksum not calculated yet.
; may not work with all iPods
; $00 $00 $01  Play   $FF $55 $04 $02 $00 $00 $01 $xx
; $00 $00 $02  Pause   $FF $55 $04 $02 $00 $00 $02 $xx
; $00 $00 $04  Toggle Mute  $FF $55 $04 $02 $00 $00 $04 $xx
; $00 $00 $20  Next Playlist $FF $55 $04 $02 $00 $00 $20 $xx
; $00 $00 $40  Previous Playlist $FF $55 $04 $02 $00 $00 $40 $xx
; $00 $00 $80  Toggle Shuffle $FF $55 $04 $02 $00 $00 $80 $xx
; $00 $00 $00 $01 Toggle Repeat $FF $55 $05 $02 $00 $00 $00 $01 $xx
; $00 $00 $00 $04 iPod Off  $FF $55 $05 $02 $00 $00 $00 $04 $xx
; $00 $00 $00 $08 iPod On  $FF $55 $05 $02 $00 $00 $00 $08 $xx
; $00 $00 $00 $40 menu button  $FF $55 $05 $02 $00 $00 $00 $40 $xx
; $00 $00 $00 $80 OK/Select  $FF $55 $05 $02 $00 $00 $00 $80 $xx
; $00 $00 $00 $00 $01 Scroll up  $FF $55 $07 $02 $00 $00 $00 $00 $01 $xx
; $00 $00 $00 $00 $02 Scroll down $FF $55 $07 $02 $00 $00 $00 $00 $02 $xx
; Simple test routine shoudl switch between play and pause every 2 seconds
 #picaxe 14m
 setfreq m8
 serout 5,t4800,($FF,$55,$03,$02,$00,$01,$FA) ' send play/pause
 pause 24       ' wait 12 ms
 serout 5,t4800,($FF,$55,$03,$02,$00,$00,$FB) ' send button up
 pause 4000       ' wait 2 seconds
 serout 5,t4800,($FF,$55,$03,$02,$00,$01,$FA) ' send play/pause
 pause 24       ' wait 12 ms
 serout 5,t4800,($FF,$55,$03,$02,$00,$00,$FB) ' send button up
 pause 4000       ' wait 2 seconds
 goto main
; Simple Controller Program
; Input 1 - play / pause
; Input 2 - stop
; Input 3 - skip >
; Input 4 - skip <
 #picaxe 14m
 symbol cmd = b0
 symbol sum = b1
 setfreq m8
 if pin1 = 1 then do_play
 if pin2 = 1 then do_stop
 if pin3 = 1 then do_skip1
 if pin4 = 1 then do_skip2
 goto main2
 cmd = $01
 sum = $FA
 goto btn_up
 cmd = $80
 sum = $7B
 goto btn_up
 cmd = $08
 sum = $F3
 goto btn_up
 cmd = $10
 sum = $EB
 goto btn_up
 serout 5,t4800,($FF,$55,$03,$02,$00,cmd,sum) ' send command
 pause 24       ' wait 12 ms
 serout 5,t4800,($FF,$55,$03,$02,$00,$00,$FB) ' send button up
 pause 2000       ' wait 1 second
 goto main2
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Senior Member
Oh thanks - I,ll add it to my next order. Is there any other documentation available, re controlling the ipod?
Incidently, I couldn't find the download socket that was there a couple of weeks ago (~9pence each:D), so I missed that on the order I received this week. I did manage to pilfer a few from old sound cards that were being chucked out at work tho:p.



Technical Support
Staff member
We've always stuck to the simply play/pause etc commands, but using the AiR protocol you can do pretty much anything - it would be quite possible to, for instance, retrive song names and display them on the AXE033 serial LCD.

Have a look here for details

As the ipod seems to 'self calibrate' the baud rate from the $FF $55 prefix you can use pretty much any baud rate.