Autonomous 08 'sideboard' for development.


New Member
These 'sideboards' have proved surprisingly convenient but I have been unable to find anything like them in my searching. Has anyone knowledge of something similar or would there be any interest in them?

All are single sided, the DIL version was intended to use standard components soldered on the surface but SM components are easier to use.

Using socket/pins harvested from turned pin IC sockets as through connections, no contact points are lost on the solderless breadboard. Extra sockets for download, resistors and capacitor makes each 'sideboard' an independent entity with all the facilities and function of the Picaxe.

The developed circuit can be transferred to Veroboard or protoboard with the normal Picaxe connections or the 'sideboard' can be soldered or socketed into place. The socket/pins may be for horizontal or vertical mounting but apart from the three download sockets they may be dispensed with for simple projects, the holes or pads offering good anchorage for cables.

The vertical 'sideboard' can be inserted into the centre of the breadboard for improved connectivity. Oddly, I find that when the 'sideboard' is parked over the edge of the breadboard I see the 'working' circuit in a different light.



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Hi Dave;

I really like the concept and if avalible commercially I'm sure others would like also. I have purchaced the same concept for 28 pin picaxe from HVW, very good quality and great price I think.

However they don't seem to have the same design for the 8 pin picaxe, too bad. I did try and build my own version of the 28 pin device but had lots of trouble with the pins that plug into the plug board breaking their solder joints. I was using a radio shack single sided mini proto board and the solder pads were just not strong enough to hold up under insertion and removal of the assembly from the solderless board.

Thank you for your information, it puts things in perspective.

The AXE Stack is evidently a first class product that has been refined over several generations of Stack and I have obviously reinvented that wheel again. In using the socket/pins I drilled an undersized hole that needs to be opened out to a press fit on the socket with the solder retaining and making contact.

Another great product and the 8 pin board is only $3.55! and well suited to Picaxe.

There are a couple of bare boards here and if you gentlemen would care to build and evaluate please PM which board.

I built one of these sometime ago and i've found it to be very handy, I can plug it in where ever I need it then just supply power to it and off you go. all components are within a 25mm x 25mm (1" x 1") pcb area, the rounded
top of the board is the handle.
The circuit has the following features:
Filter capacitors on the supply.
Reverse voltage protection on the supply.
Power ON led.
Data from PC led.
Data to PC led.

I used 90 degree header pins for the connection to the breadboard, when the pcb was drilled the holes sizes were made so the pins were a very tight fit through the pcb so to limit the stress put on the pads during use. I've started some surface mount boards and I'll use the 90 degree pins on them as well.


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How do you guys solder the SMD parts?

I've done it two ways... first will mixed sucess using the hot plate of a cooker, having first worked out how to reasonably follow the required temperature profile. The second way I used the same paste but touched each pad with a soldering iron. Paste for both was dabbed on with a tooth pick.

These 'sideboards' have proved surprisingly convenient but I have been unable to find anything like them in my searching.

where did you find these pictures?

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Thanks for the idea of the toothpic slurp. Ive been putting on paste direct from the syringe its a challenge not to get too much on. The toothpic will help a lot.

Ive been using a electric frypan with success. I'm working with .5 mm pitch parts so I can't use a iron. I find if i go back over the job with fine solder braid i can get a tidy result.
That board I do admire, so much more comprehensive and such a compact layout.
The vertical board is easier to remove, no bent pins on the others, but I do take care as they are not nearly as robust as the square header pins.
I look foreword in the hope you will post your new design, I have learnt much from this forum over the years.

I only do small boards now and manage with an iron.

I regret I did not make it plain that I have been making a series of smaller boards to this general shape for a while.

Thank you for posting, I have difficulty with words, how else could I get my name in upper case?
In the time it took me to formulate a reply you were gone, however your name is indelibly linked to Picaxe, at least by Google and well worth the search.
Being slow has compensations, I was toiling away with words to answer BrendanP about how I paint all the tracks with solder, use nail hold-down, one high corner etc. etc. so when I checked before posting I find he is way ahead of me in the micro stakes, saved!

A few folk around here have found my wee boards very useful and I wondered if anything similar was available commercially or as foil patterns for DIY transfer. The query, though poorly worded, has provided very positive results, retrolefty linking to 18& 28 pin, tedhill to 8 pin, Phill75s shining example and your own 8 to 18 pin fine offerings.

With the same aim in mind I seek reference to anything like this general purpose board.

Originally intended for radio control it has
2 servo style connection points at each end
servo style input to the underside
download circuit on sockets or pins
8mm X 18mm

Present rc uses, aerial photography, lipo protector, servo slow, servo expander, lost model alarm.
Also pole photography, UV steriliser safeguard, light driven servo.

Photo shows 2 sets servo pins, 2 sets selection sockets for programme options, input cable.

These wee Picaxe are magic.



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Very nice indeed, Ron--I like the SIP idea, and I wish I had known about these before. Your site at is well worth a visit.

Could I assume that the 14M boards, with a 14 pin socket, could be used for an 08M as well, since it's a pin-for-pin subset?

I eagerly await the 28X1 version--will it be forthcoming?
Id still be interested to hear how you go about doing the smd work whiteknuckle. I read tutorial at sparkfun which got me going. What is nail 'hold down' do you use it to hold the smd part in place? Perhaps start another thread on smd soldering and we can talk it over there.
Mea Culpa!


Sorry, my intention was to answer a question. I didn't think of my post as an advertisement, but I see your point and I will be more careful in the future!
