ASCII control codes for AXE033


New Member
I am trying to find out an extended list of control codes (254,x) for the AXE033 LCD module. I am specifically interested in seeing if there is a code to clear rhe contents of the first line, leaving the second line intact, rather than using the (254,1) code to initialise the display. Can anyone help?


Jeremy Leach

Senior Member
254,1 Clear display (followed by pause 30)
254,8 Hide display
254,12 Restore display
254,14 turn on cursor
254,16 move cursor left
254,20 move cursor right
254,128 move line 1 pos 1
254,y move line 1 pos x, where y = 128 + x
254,192 move to line 2 pos 1
254,y move to line 2, pos x

These are the only ones in the leaflet, as far as I know


Technical Support
Staff member
There is no separate 'top line' blanking option. Printing space characters as jeremy suggests is the normally used method for clearing part of the display.