A really dumb question on how to use the TUNE command.

I'm trying to run a very simple program on a 14M2 chip to play a tune I downloaded from the ring tone files on the picaxe website.

The downloaded text file for the ring tone looks like this:
(IndianaJones:d=4,o=5,b=250: e,8p,8f,8g,8p,2c.6,8p.,d,8p,8e,1f,p.,g,8p,8a,8b,8p,2f.6,p,a,8p,8b,2c6,2d6,2e6,e,8p,8f,8g,8p,1c6,p,d6,8p,8e6,1f6,g,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,f.6,8p,e6,8p,8d6,1c6)

But I don't know how to format that for the Picaxe code. Oddly, for all its complexity, there are no examples for the TUNE command in Manual 2. And when looking for examples, I haven't been able to find anything on the internet except very old forum posts that pertain to only to chips of the pre-M2 variety. I tried tinkering with it but I keep getting syntax errors. Suggestions on what to do would be much appreciated. Thanks.

;Pin B.4 (Physical Pin 9) can flash an LED during each note.
;Pin B.5 (Physical Pin 8) will output the signal for the piezo speaker.
Let b0 = 12 ;b0 is the Speed of the tune.

TUNE B.5, b0, %00010000, (ring tone codes go in here.)