"A compile file error has occured..." after 5.1.2 upgrade


New Member
Windows Vista. ~117+ byte programs downloaded to PICAXE 28X1 problem-free under 5.1.1, they do not download under 5.1.2, giving error:

"A compile file error has occured...

Many gigabytes of free space on the drive. Small programs work fine, so temp folder is writable; threshold seems to be about 116 bytes, but depends on exact code--probably due to packing vs. counting issues. Yes, I've rebooted my computer. Yes, I've removed the PE and reinstalled it. First time was the patch from 5.1.1, second time a full install using the new file. Even tried reinstalling the 5.1.1 patch over 5.1.2 (heck, worth a shot). Since I didn't keep a copy of the install chain for 5.1.1 (stupid) I'm going to try to copy the program folder off of another PC and see if that works.


Technical Support
Staff member
We do not believe this would be a Programming Editor issue, but more of a local system issue.

You could try redirecting the temp folder using the file network.ini in the main installation folder.


New Member
Normally I would agree, but reverting to 5.1.1 fixed the problem, so it's something in the code delta from 5.1.1->5.1.2. I do need to try another system, and to modify network.ini and see if that works.


Technical Support
Staff member
If there is an issue, it is more likely to be a fault in the compiler for a particular 28X1 command, than the length of the program itself. If you can email the program you are using to picaxe at rev-ed.co.uk we will check it for you.


New Member
Sure, I can do that. The reason I tied it to program length is because after removing some code, making the program shorter, then adding just assignment statements back in, I can reproduce the error. Look for email from Patrick O'Leary at a .edu address shortly.


New Member
I have the same problem with 5.1.2 editor. I can comment out statements until the byte count hits ~116, then it downloads OK. Doesnt matter how I shorten the prog - shorter strings, less instructions - same result.
Interestingly, I can create a new program of "sleep 1"s (~3k++ lines) & fill the whole 4096 bytes.


Technical Support
Staff member
Sorry for this issue, only affects 28X1 vA.0 with certain let= commands.

Patch 5.1.3 is now online to correct this, or if you have already downloaded 5.1.2 you can use this smaller single file download to manually overwrite 'progedit.exe'

<A href='http://www.rev-ed.co.uk/software/progedit513.zip' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>

Edited by - Technical on 11/06/2007 13:17:20