450-470 Mhz FM Radio Receiver IC


New Member
Can anyone recommend a single IC (or simple circuit) for receiving FM radio in the 450-470 Mhz range that is controllable by picaxe?

Any help much appreciated.


New Member
manuka has posted an answer on 23/3, but perhaps to rephrase the question he posed, are you working with voice or data? Are you wanting to listen to that whole band and tune a radio through that band manually, or do you want to use a picaxe to scan through CB channels, or do you want to send data at a frequency around 450-470Mhz?


New Member
manuka has posted an answer on 23/3, but perhaps to rephrase the question he posed, are you working with voice or data? Are you wanting to listen to that whole band and tune a radio through that band manually, or do you want to use a picaxe to scan through CB channels, or do you want to send data at a frequency around 450-470Mhz?
Think racetrack scanner, w/ manual freq. adjust. Racetrack officials use the 450-470 Mhz FM range to transmit instructions to drivers.

I'd like to create a receiver for this audio and use the picaxe to control the freq.


Senior Member
Why not getting a handheld UHF radio like the ones ham use?
Those devices can be programed from a serial interface, so you could change the freq from a picaxe.


Senior Member
Agreed- UHF scanners have been thick on the ground for years, with some even "close call" auto tuning to nearby signals & then storing the frequency for you. Although these may cost $$$, UK£50 should get you a great entry level job- used ones ½ that! There are some outstanding Chinese sourced offerings, many of which double as a 2 way radio on legal frequencies. Some dirt cheap hardware shop PMR UHF CB sets can be tweaked to cover wider frequencies, including 433.92MHz ISM. Google! Stan