40x1 downloading problems


I've seen a few other people on the forums voicing similar problems with 40x1's.. i wonder if there is actualy a problem with a batch of them?

Ok, so i have an Axe022 board, i have two 40x1's and a 28x1 all bought from tech supplies recently. I run the protoboard on an adjustable 5v Switching regulated bench supply at 5.00v.

The 28x1 appears to work fine, i can write programs, download them to the chip, and run them.. when i click the firmware? button i get : "Firmware A.2 - Picaxe 28x1 (40x1) firmware version 2".

Currently i run the 28x1 with jumpers J4 and J5 in the right position, which tells the picaxe to use the fitted 4mhz resonator

So i know the usb cable/proto board is all working...

But, when i remove the 28x1, and install either of the two 40x1's, neither one will co-operate with me.

When i click the Firmware? button, i get a 'hardware not found on COM3' error (com3 is the USB cable serial interface). When i go to the USB test port dialogue, i see a controllable signal on pin 6 of the 40x1 which indicates everything is still ok as expected...

Needless to say, hitting F5 results in a hardware not found error...

My suspicion is that the 40x1's are either bad, or don't have the picaxe bootstrapping on them to understand whats going on... Its just odd, as they are brand new, and they came from tech-supplies.co.uk, picaxes' store as it were...

Does anyone have any ideas?


Further question.

HAL. Could you try two procedures please?

1. Blank program then f5 then board reset button.

2. A very simple program, such as

for b0 = 1 to 255
sertxd (#b0," ")

Then the run arrow, then reset button on the board.

I'd be interested to know if it replicates the problems I've had, which I
mentioned in the earlier thread today.

cheers e.


hi there...

1) on trying to program a blank program - 'harwdare not found on com 3'... on trying a 'clear hardware memory' i get another 'hardware not found on com 3'.. (options dialogue is set to 28x1)

2) ' hardware not found on com3' when programming the simple program.


Thanks HAL.

One last question/request please.

Try a computer restart,
then setting the option to 28X then try again?



as suspected, I did all that, no change, still says hardware not found...

my 28x1 still works without any problems in this setup :)


New Member
me having the same probs, u can see my thread... even worse, i got only the old firmware instead... what is this???? somewhat a prank??


ok, the problem has now been resolved, tech supplies sent me some replacements picaxe 40x1's and they work perfectly first time! i'm ditching the old ones.

So, for anyone reading, this issue was purely down to a bad batch and nothing more! glad to know it wasn't me doing something wrong :)