3v Vibration Motor on 5V 08m2 Question


New Member
I have a 08m2 Picaxe microcontroller on a protoboard that I am running at 5 volts with an ID-12 RFID reader. I would like to add a pager motor to the project board. I have a 3V Radioshack Vibration motor with a 95Ma current rating that I would like to add to the project. I know I cannot simply attach the motor to the picaxe because of the 20Ma pin limit so I will be using a transistor like this:


Since the vibration motor is 3V and the power supply is 5V can I just add a 22OHM 1/2 watt resistor between Voltage and the positive of the motor so I do not blow up the 3V motor? I want the motor to vibrate as much as possible and I want to make sure I am doing this correctly. This project is very small and I am trying to run off of only one power source.

Thanks You!!!!


Senior Member
It should be safe to run the 3V motor directly from 5V as due to the application it won't be on constantly for hours. Supplying the datasheet helps to get answers though.

As it's an inductive load you will need a diode in reverse across the motor and possibly a snubber capaitor too.