20X2 as a SPI Slave?


Senior Member
Reading through the manual I cannot find any reference to configuration of the 20X2 as a SPI slave. Is it possible to do this; and if not, is a Max3100 or a NXP SC16IS740 suitable as a viable alternative to act as a fake slave and talk to the Picaxe via Tx, Rx.



Ex-Staff (retired)
PICAXE devices cannot be SPI Slaves, only SPI Masters. You might be able to achieve some SPI Slave functionality through direct SFR manipulation but won't be able to achieve similar to I2C Slave operation or high-speed background receive.

With a quick look, MAX3100 and NXP SC16IS740 would seem suitable as a bridge between I2C/SPI to provide serial to a PICAXE using background receive. But why not send serial direct to the PICAXE ?


Senior Member
Thanks Hippy,

The reason for the SPI bridge is interfacing to the modules that plug into the Netduino GO system (similar to .NET Gadgeteer),


These modules talk to the main board via SPI and the main board is running the .NET Micro Framework so you can program and debug with C# or Visual Basic. The problem is that the SPI slave of the modules was conceptualized using the STM8 or STM32 parts to provide smartness to interact with the module sensors. In my judgement, this is a step backwards if you want to build your own module because now you have to have to program the modules in the old way using a development toolchain.

My thought was to simply replace the module intelligence with a Picaxe and take advantage of its high level capabilities and ease of programming. In retrospect, it was probably a mistake to get involved with this product and I think I will just write it off as a bad purchase. However, the Netduino Plus with its builtin ethernet is an absolute gem. I use the 20X2 as a peripheral for it to handle 1-wire, I2C, etc and talk to the Netduino via serial Tx, Rx.
