12v 3-channel GE8808B pixel led


Ex-Staff (retired)
The GE8808B seems to have protocol timing more demanding than the WS2803 which can only be used with a fast enough PICAXE and specially crafted code or external hardware is. I would guess it is not possible or would be difficult.

We recommend APA102-based RGB LEDs as they are easy to control with any PICAXE.


Senior Member
I can confirm what hippy is saying. The GE8808B requires serial data at 800kbits/s, with binary 0 represented by a 350nS pulse and 1 = 650nS. A pause in transmission of more than a few hundred microseconds is treated as a latch condition.

I recently did some development with a PIC using SPI and some Schmitt trigger monostables for 0 and 1 timing. The protocol is very demanding and a raw PIC, programmed in C and running at 64MHz can barely keep up. I have ordered some PIC18F25K42s to allow me to experiment with their DMA capability.

I have not tried, but I don't think you could drive a single GE8808B RGB LED with a PICAXE. It is not structured with that order of data output capability.