08M Pulsout


why doesn't this work
pulsour 0,1000
goto start

0 doesn't flash, I've also tried
high 0
pause 1000
low 0


Ex-Staff (retired)
I'd have expected both to have worked. Note that "PULSOUT 0,1000" gives only a 10mS pulse though ( units of 10uS ) whereas "PAUSE 1000" is a 1 second delay ( units of 1mS ).

I, and I guess others, have used Output Pin 0 on an 08M in a variety of ways without any reported problems, and it's always an output so there's no configuration needed, so not sure why you aren't seeing a high going pulse after reset.

You could try putting a PAUSE before the commands to pulse the output and seeing if that makes it work, but I wouldn't expect it to make any difference.


What should it do ?
Your last line is "goto start"
Where is "start", your only label is "main".


thanks all,
yes i'm trying to flash a led, connected to output 0 via 220 ohm resistor.
the programe then goes on to other functions ie: the led on 0 stays on (this works fine)
Could be right hippy, may have the flash to quick to notice. Thanks for the help.


Senior Member
It's indeed likely you are missing the 10ms pulse. If you really HAVE to flash LEDs so briefly,consider green instead of red, since human vision is most sensitive in the green (~555nm). White LEDs have a slight "after glow" from their excited phosphor as well, somewhat prolonging hence a brief pulse.

Edited by - Stan. Swan on 5/25/2005 7:59:47 PM


Senior Member
Hello Stan... could you elaborate on the white LED afterglow - I was thinking of trying to make a variable FQY strobe to look at rotating machinery and had thought the white LEDs could work - xenon tubes have their difficulties! I hadn't heard of or seen the afterglow [blinded by the fore light!]... thanks


Senior Member
See the likes of =&gt; <A href='http://www.knt.vein.hu/staff/schandaj/SJCV-Publ-2005/473.pdf ' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a> I built an ultrabright white LED strobe a few years back &amp; found this afterglow limited &quot;freezing&quot; above about 1000rpm. Of course phosphor types may have changed since then. Experiment with a pulsed Picaxe !