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  1. M

    Power Mosfet

    I have a power mosfet, irl540n (datasheet If I put 3 volts into the drain (seperate power source from the picaxe chip) will I get 3 volts out of the source when I apply the gate current from my picaxe...
  2. M

    DS1307 Issues

    Hi, I am revisiting a problem I had a long time ago with the output of my DS1307. I used code to overcome this problem before but I want to understand why this is happening. When I ouput to my LCD the hour and minute from my DS1307 board ( it work...
  3. M

    Noob Question

    Hi, Will a Picaxe chip (specifically a 28X1) without power for a long time retain its program? or will it eventually lose it? Thanks
  4. M

    No RS232 port on new computer!!!

    Hello, I have been using the RS232 port on my laptop to program my picaxe but I got a new computer (old computer gone) and no RS232 port! Can I use a USB to serial port converter to use my cable or do I need to purchase a new USB cable? Thanks, Mark
  5. M

    28x1 Output Help

    Hi, Can I increase the number of outputs I have on my Picaxe 28X1 chip? :confused: If so, can you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Mark
  6. M

    Help with displaying a triangle on my LCD

    Hello All, I am trying to display two triangles on my LCD, one facing up and one facing down. Similar to the triangle pictured in the table in manual 3 page 31. Character position 240,5. I want to use them as user input symbols corresponding to buttons for incrementing numbers for setting...
  7. M

    Interrupt and switch question

    I have a small piece of code for my 28X1 that displays the day and date from data taken from a DS1307 on my LCD screen. My goal is to be able to have the user change the date and time by a 4 button user interface. Right now all I am trying to do is activate an interrupt on input 0 to begin the...
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    DS1307 12 hour mode

    Hello all, I gotten my DS1307 hooked up to my 28X1 and it is telling time on my LCD rather nicely but I would like it in 12 hour format and I do not know how to do this. I know you have to change bit 6 of the hour byte but I am lost on how to do this. I have tried to find the answer on my own...
  9. M


    Can someone explain to me what the 0 after the readi2c command means in the following code line readi2c 0, (b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7) Thank you!
  10. M

    Noob Question on N Channel Mosfet

    Hello, I am looking to power a pump, 9-12V DC at 1200mA. I want to use an N channel MOSFET to do the switching from my picaxe. Does anymore have a suggestion on a particular MOSFET I could use for this application? Thanks!
  11. M

    Picaxe Power supply Question

    If I have a pump that runs on 9 volts can I operate this using a picaxe by using only one power supply say a 12 volt wall wart to power both the picaxe and the pump?