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  1. K

    picaxe communication

    how exactly do i use serout command. Do i have to dimension any variables? how do i get the range token is it a variable? can you do a sample program. this is how my program is looking symbol trig = 3 symbol echo = 6 symbol range = w1 main: pulsout trig,2 pulsin echo,1,range pause 10 let...
  2. K

    Picaxe18X communication

    i am using a picaxe 18X. i was wondering if it is possible to send a variable say range through a wire to an ATMEGA8535. i dont mind if i can send a number like 1 for range of 1-10 and 2 for a range of 11-20. any thing along this line would be helpful. any ideas please post as it is for a...
  3. K

    Picaxe 18x comunicating with AVR

    hi i am using a picaxe 18x. by using the ultrasonic sensors i get the distance say variable range. i also have a atmega8535 which i have hooked up to an LCD, SPEAKER etc. i was wondering if it was possible to send the variable range from the picaxe to the Atmega. at this stage i want to use a...
  4. K

    PICAXE 18X interfacing with LCD and SRF005

    hi guys i need your help with displaying the range i get using the SRF005 on a 16*2 LCD its for a school project please help a sample program would be much a appreciated. the Picaxe i am using is 18X