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  1. T

    Why don't the manual commands to turn off pwmout work?

    I'm building a Talking Pumpkins display for Halloween using the VMusic2 for the audio (Thanks Technical for posting the sample code). I've gotten the VMusic2 to work perfectly, but while working on the internal lighting effects for the pumpkins (hollow craft pumpkins known here in the States...
  2. T

    PWM interference with servo command

    Has anyone experienced PWM interference with servo commands? I'm building a small project with one servo and two LED's; as soon as I pulse the LED's to fade in/out with PWM, the servo motor jitters like mad. Using this for the LED's: For w0=0 to 1023 PWMout 3,255,w0 pause 5 next w0 pause...
  3. T

    Simultaneous servo control for Animatronics

    One of my current projects is an animated "Grave Digger" for a Halloween display, and I found the picaxe while trying to make the display "stand alone", i.e. no computer hookup, etc. Many of the figure's actions require at least two servos moving at once to replicate human...
  4. T

    Display decimal point on 7 segment LED

    I'm new to PICAXE, using a 28X, a MAX7219 driver, and four seven segment LEDs. I've gotten the LEDs to work using a Peter Anderson routine, and also an LM34 temperature sensor using one of Anderson's routines. What I'd like to do is display the temperature (F) on the 7 segement LEDs using a...