Search results for query: hc12

  1. M

    HC-12 problem

    Thank you for your reply, and especially your previous reply as you suggested the use of the CP2102 based device, I bought one off Amazon after replying to your post, and with the wonders of Amazon Prime it arrived today. As soon as I installed drivers, it worked straight away and now the HC-12...
  2. neiltechspec

    HC-12 problem

    I have a prolific USB2Serial in my junk box - not used for years. That is usb to serial at RS232 voltage levels, not suitable for connecting to HC12's without level shifting & inverting. An ATEN UC23A appears to be the same - RS232 voltages. Both of these could well have damaged the HC12's...
  3. F

    Timeout (again)

    Hi hippy, I use HC12 and I use PreambleByte and SomeByte to distinguish between diff. types of transmissions. I could manage with one PreambleByte, but I thought that HC12 used manchester coding. Which requires 8 bytes? torben
  4. hippy

    Timeout (again)

    Glad the programs are now working. I do have one question regarding - serout TXpin,HC12BaudRate,(PreambleByte,PreambleByte,PreambleByte ... Are you using HC12's or just dumb RF modules ? If HC12's then you don't need to send the preamble bytes as the HC12 adds those itself when transmitting...
  5. S

    SX126x LoRa modules !

    ...devices allow you to reduce the transmitted power level, you dont need to run on 100mW max all the time. An SX1262 running at 1mW transmit power will probably have a longer range that a module such as HC12 running at 100mW, so the battery power savings could be considerable for the LoRa setup.
  6. PieM

    Nouveau venu, je ne comprends pas ce qui peut se passer. Il faut evacuer le problème lié à l'ordi en se connectant via un autre ou via un smartphone. HC12: Il y a ce doc pdf qui est assez détaillé. Sans config, le mode de base est le FU3. les autres modes permettent éventuellement une réduction de...
  7. M

    Nouveau venu

    Merci PieM pour le lien. J'ai acheté deux HC12 chinois il y a quelques mois, je n'ai encore rien testé. Il semble que le problème soit entre HC12 d'origines différentes. Peut on tester ces modules dans la configuration par défaut, sans configuration ? Et si il y a un tuto avec un code simple...
  8. PieM

    Nouveau venu

    Bonjour, Je ne vois pas d'où peut venir ce problème! Concernant l'utilisation des HC12, il est bon d'utiliser un configurateur pour définir les caractéristiques d'utilisation, via une interface USB/série lambda. Attention qu'on trouve de nombreux fakes de ce produit sur Ebay! j'en ai une série...
  9. PieM

    Change the name of my bluetooth module hc06

    With HC05, HC06, HC11, HC12, i use pl 2303 USB to TTL Serial Adaptor ($0.65 on Ali !) and direct wires. I run Termite with BT and HC11/HC12 config with transceivers
  10. lbenson

    Oops! We ran into some problems.

    Try searching for HC12 (I've tried to make sure that any post I made had that variant for just that reason). You're probably out of luck doing a forum search for SMD, but you could do a google search for "picaxe smd". (There's a way to restrict your google search to the picaxeforum site, but I...
  11. hippy


    ...been wiring errors, flaky breadboard, unreliable connections, a code base which was overly complicated to start from, a mistaken belief that the HC12 were faulty, a sometimes erroneous approach to analysing the issues, some human communication issues, coupled with inexperience in what was...
  12. hippy


    Seems the HC12's are working. The output looks as I would expect it to other than the couple of <No Responses> which perhaps should be responses. I would suggest changing the 8000 in ... SerIn [8000], RX_Pin, HC12Baudrate, b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8 To 64000, eg ... SerIn [64000]...
  13. hippy


    No, it really doesn't. Your HC12's might be faulty but that doesn't prove it; there could be some other issue or issues. Everything else seems to point to the HC-12's working but you cannot use an AXE027 or RS232 cable via a breadboard adapter direct to the HC12's because the signal polarities...
  14. techElder


    ...because I can't spend the time necessary, but let me say this without supporting it. The problem that I found with this type of serin statement is that the HC12 returns variable length responses depending on what was sent. If this serin statement doesn't receive 8 bytes it will always timeout.
  15. I


    I suggest you do some debugging with the PICAXE's Tx output connected to the HC12's Rx pin. (And the HC12's Set and 0v pins connected appropriately too.) Then connect the HC12's Tx and 0v to back to the programming lead's input to the computer with the PE's terminal program running. That way...
  16. hippy


    How do you know sending is working ? And is that from the same HC12 you are then trying to receive with or another HC12 on a different PICAXE ?
  17. cachomachine

    Anyone Used Nextion Displays?

    ...2 homemade PCB. The main PCB has a Picaxe 14M2 with his programming socket, a DS3231 real time clock, a CH340 USB to TTL serial adapter and a HC12 RF transmitter receiver. The Satelite PCB only has a Picaxe 14M2, a RGB LED and a HC12 RF transmitter receiver. The DS3231 real time clock...
  18. PhilHornby

    Picaxe 20X2 Interrpt Despatching

    ...interaction is most important If hserflag = 1 Then Goto Serial_In ;;;web server comms. If hint2flag = 1 Then Goto HC12 ;;;inbound temperature reading If toflag = 1 Then Goto Timer_Overflow ;;;time to toggle the LCD display Goto...
  19. PhilHornby

    Demonstration of HC-12 radio module configuration

    This program demonstrates sending configuration commands to the HC-12 RF transceiver. As it stands, it doesn't do any actual data transfers to a remote HC-12, though it could easily be modified to do so. Hardware configuration: Unfortunately, the code is too long to include inline...