Recent content by zeljko.ciric

  1. Z

    Other uses for old CD Rom Drives ?

    I'm using door mechanism and plastic petri dish as automatic fish feeder.
  2. Z

    SimpleLan and Serin

    Hi, I trying to use Picaxe 20x2 and SimpleLan as web interface for my RS485 network. (Internet <-> SimpleLan <-> Picaxe 20x2 <-> DS485 <-> rs485 devices) I have problem receiving from SimpleLan with serin command. Serout is working fine. Recieving with hserin also works but I already use...
  3. Z

    Max6956 & Uln2803?

    I try find (without success) how to conect MAX6956 and (2) ULN2803 to control 16 relays. Is that even possible?
  4. Z

    Reef controler

    Here you can see temperature fluctuations during day. Green color is outside temperature, blue color room temperature and red is temperature in aquarium. At 11AM lights in aquarium are on and temperature start to rising. At 2:30PM temperature in aquarium is above 26.5C and controller send...
  5. Z

    Reef controler

    Small board with signal relay fixed into phone outlet box. Backside of AC panel. You can see black/yellow wires soldered to microswitch.
  6. Z

    Reef controler

    This is first project I did and my first post on this forum. Controler with 7x outlets (10A/240V ralays) Picaxe 28X1 Axe033 16x2 display DS1307 RTC 2x DS18B20 termometers (one for aquarium, one for room) PCF8574 I2C port extender then ULN2803 darlington driver then seven 10A relays) 8th...