Recent content by fizzit

  1. F

    My first Picaxe project - ROV

    My Submersible ROV previously was controlled via relays and switches. The system took up 6 wires of the ethernet cable, so I could not, say, add more than one accessory controlled from the top such as a light, servo, or another camera. It also wasn't proportional. A couple months ago I had the...
  2. F

    Communicating between two PICAXES

    This is really wierd. I have my PICAXE 18X and 28X1 connected to communicate serially, but it doesn't work very well. Here is the code on the 28X1: serin 0,N2400,("go") high 7 pause 100 low 7 pause 100 serout 4,N2400,("go") serin 0,N2400,(b0) high 7 pause 200 low 7 serin 0,N2400,(w6)...
  3. F

    Download Issues

    I want to shoot myself. My new Picaxes arrived yesterday (an 08M, 18X, and 28X1, and a Picaxe breadboard adapter). I have my serial cable from my previous failure with an 18x. So, I set up my Picaxe 18X with the breadboard adapter on my breadboard and an LED on Pin 3. I verified that the jumper...
  4. F

    Please check my schematic

    If you have the time could you give my Picaxe ROV schematic a look? I want to be sure everything is good before I breadboard it. Notes: -The PA18X up top is in the control box. Everything in the lower part is onboard the ROV. -+2 is 5v from the 7805, + is 12v straight from the battery. -JS =...
  5. F

    Have Tons of Pots!

    I just thought of an idea for a circuit where you can have potentiometers = ADCs x Outputs w/a single chip, and still get a reading for each individual pot! So you hook up the wipers of all the pots to one of the three ADCs (for example, w/ 8 outputs, hook up 8 pots to each ADC). Then, you...
  6. F

    Picaxe Rov

    I have an ROV right now that uses 3 H-bridge relays to control two horizontal motors and a set of 2 vertical motors. My control box basically just has buttons to switch the relays on and off. What I want to do is switch the ROV to picaxe control, with a Picaxe on each end communicating serially...
  7. F

    Hardware not detected

    My computer won't detect my Picaxe. I enabled the serial port, chose the right COM number, and when I apply power to my Picaxe 18X and hit run, it gets stuck on finding the picaxe and then an error message pops up saying that it will not run. I have tried the Serial Tester and I get 5.5v at the...