X2s in the US???????


Senior Member
I looked for it on Sparkfun a couple of days ago and would have sworn it wasn't there. 26 in stock now.

Dave E

Senior Member
Yea, me too.

I have been checking all 3 sources every day or so and must have overlooked them.
Anyway, thanks for pointing them out. Will order some shortly.

Dave E


Senior Member
It is less expensive to buy from Tech Supplies even with the shpping costs.
I'd have to agree with Marmitas, it is less expensive overall to buy them from Tech Supplies and have them shipped to the US. Do the math and include the shipping charges.

At Tech Supplies, just watch the shipping charge breakpoints. The chipping charges are based on the total value of the order, not the weight. The "best" shipping deal is for orders just under $90 US (₤50). and Tech Supplies now takes Paypal



Senior Member
Thanks, Marmitas--I'll keep that in mind when the 20X2 becomes available. A question about shipping, tho--why should it cost nearly three times as much (£12.50) to ship three 28X2s as to ship two of them (£4.50)?



Senior Member
Thanks, Marmitas--I'll keep that in mind when the 20X2 becomes available. A question about shipping, tho--why should it cost nearly three times as much (£12.50) to ship three 28X2s as to ship two of them (£4.50)?
Technology supplies does P&P according to what values worth of items you have bought. In your instance you have left the up to £10 price bracket and entered the up to £30 one.


Senior Member
>left the up to £10 price bracket

That means that if I wanted 6 PICAXE-20X2s @ £2.99, I'd be better off placing two separate orders of 3 each--total postage £9.00 instead of £12.50. Something doesn't compute there--extra handling on the part of Tech Supplies.


Technical Support
Staff member
It's a different level of service - the under £10 packages are not insured or online tracked, over £10 are. That is why the cost is different.

We expect Rapid to take the X2s soon, it always takes the catalogues a while to generate new order-codes, add to stock etc.